🔎 Browse China's E-commerce Platform

You can use Zaler to find any items you want from China's online e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao / Tmall / Weidian.com. Also here you can find ideal sellers' info & products which suit best for you. All you have to do is click on the products/seller link and paste it into Acbuy search bar. Click “Search” and follow the next step.

🛒 Selecting Your Color, Size, Batch and Quantity

After you found your product, you can directly select the color, size, batch and quantity, add special remark if you need to and click “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart”.
Also, here you can see the sales, average delivery time to warehouse, weight and volume
Also, here you can see the sales, average delivery time to warehouse, weight and volume

💸 Paying For The Goods

Once you made the cart with the items you desire check again the items and the sizes.
And then just press submit and pay for the goods.

🕵 Inspection & Storage

After you have paid for the goods the items will be then "Purchased" and then "Shipped" from the Seller to your Warehouse. Once they get there you will get Quality Check pictures of the item/items.
Once you get the pictures, you will see "Available for Shipment" status under the goods name. Once you see this status, the goods are ready to be sent to your country.

📦 Submitting The Parcel

Once every item arrives the Warehouse, select all of them and press "Submit for Delivery".
Here enter your adress, choose what to Remove Packaging or not ( removing the shoe box will make the Shipping Price cheaper ).
At the bottom of the Rehearsal window you will see more Packaging Details
I suggest choosing Shoe Tree if you removed the shoe boxes, Vacuum Bag if you have clothes, Bubble Wrap and Corner Protection only if you have fragile stuff, Moisture Bag or Stretch Film being 100% optional, they just make your package waterproof.

🛫 Paying for the Shipping

After you submit the parcel and pay the shipping fee, just wait for the parcel to be shipped. ( here you will also use the coupons )
1. What is ZALER?
ZALER is a spreadsheet made easy. We developed a website UI to make your shopping experience very easy.
2. Is it easy to use?
ZALER delivers the easiest finding & buying experience for new and veteran replica buyers. With thousand of finds, you'll never need to go anywhere else.